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SMM API is free plugin that is available on and it has been running sucessfully for more than 400 reseller website today.


Use this free plugin to connect any reseller panel to servers.It support almost any service providers and support many payment processors.

smm-api plugin integrates and automate order processing and gives customer amazing experience and feedback.

Some Core Features:

  • This plugin uses WordPress Built-in Libraries. So it runs so fast with any hosting provider.
  • It can be set-up very quick with no technical background.
  • It uses database to store only active orders.

How do you connect your SMM reseller panel to WordPress (best method )?


  1. Uploadsmm-api.zipto the/wp-content/plugins/directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Enter API url and API Key in Dash Board Menu API SERVER-> Add Server
  4. Add SMM Items as per the data displayed SMM server site.
  5. Add Woocommerce product in Admin panel and select Api Items from select box.
  6. Thats it! your shop page can now take orders and trigger the orders remotly at SMM server site.